Pilates in Greensboro, NC

Pilates is a great place to start if you’re considering a new approach to improve your health and wellness. At Garner Pelvic Health in Greensboro, NC, we offer pilates classes to help people recover from pelvic floor issues and enhance overall health. Whether you’re struggling with chronic pain, strengthening your core, or improving your overall wellness, we can help. 

Enhance Pelvic Health With Pilates

Many people don’t realize how much chronic pain is connected to pelvic health. Pilates has been used for several decades to reduce chronic pain and improve overall health and wellness. Created by Joseph Pilates in the early 1900s, these unique exercise sequences function as a complete exercise program that can help many pelvic health issues:

  • Osteoarthritis 
  • Osteosclerosis 
  • Inflammation
  • Kypho scoliosis 
  • Hip Labral tears
  • Pelvic girdle

Combining proper form, breathing exercises, and concentration during exercise can reduce common pelvic floor issues that come with aging. Our wellness classes incorporate Pilates to help reduce pelvic pain, stimulate the immune system, and promote overall well-being.

We Help People In Greensboro, NC

Our team is happy to help the people in Greensboro, NC, and the surrounding cities. Greensboro has more than 301,000 residents who need help with their health and wellness. Our office is located at 1175 Revolution Mill, Suite 34 in Greensboro.

health coaching in greensboro

Commonly Asked Questions About Pilates

We will answer your questions if you’ve been considering Pilates to improve your health. Here are a few common questions we answer for our clients. 

Why Is Pilates Important?

Did you know Pilates can improve your overall health when frequently practiced? Containing combinations of approximately 50 exercises, Pilates can increase endurance, strength, mobility, and posture. Using the whole body for exercise requires correct form, breathing, and concentration in static and dynamic body movement. These daily exercises will improve mobility, strengthen the core, and enhance mental health. It will also support the pelvic floor and improve joint alignment, correcting common health issues related to poor pelvic health.  

How Can Pilates Help Me Recover From Chronic Health Issues?

Pilates focuses on body control and mind/body coordination. Contrology means different types of movement, which focuses on balance, control, stability, flexibility, and strength in Pilates. Many exercises help increase core strength to reduce common back and joint pain. These exercises are low-impact and can help you recover from incontinence, constipation, endometriosis, and spine degenerative disorders. 

What Is Your Insurance Policy?

We are an out-of-network provider and do not accept insurance. Our practice works for patients rather than the insurance companies. However, this means we have more freedom to customize a treatment plan that fits your unique health and wellness needs. Most insurance companies will cover physical therapy, and we are happy to provide you with an invoice to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. 

Book an appointment today!