Lumbopelvic Rehabilitation Ultrasound Imaging (RUSI)

Garner Pelvic Health in Greensboro, NC, is one of the few pelvic physical therapy clinics in the United States to specialize in Rehab Ultrasound Imaging (RUSI) for orthopedic and pelvic pain. Our patients travel to GPH from across the globe for our imaging and therapy services. 

What is Rehabilitation Ultrasound Imaging?

Rehab ultrasound imaging involves using ultrasound technology to assess and monitor musculoskeletal structures during pelvic and orthopedic rehabilitation. It allows Dr. Garner and associates to real-time visualize muscles, joints, and soft tissues, aiding in evaluation of biomechanics, muscle activation patterns, and structural abnormalities. This non-invasive technique provides valuable information that guides creation of treatment plans that are unique to each person. Rehab ultrasound imaging also often allows for shorter treatment times and faster recovery. 

Are You A PT In The Area And Need RUSI For One Of Your Patients?

Dr. Ginger Garner does single consults for your patients and will send you the full RUSI report. Contact us today, and we will give you more information on how we help PT’s and similar practitioners. 

How Can Imaging Help?

Imaging takes the guesswork out of physical therapy prescription. Not only does it save you time and money, but it also creates longer lasting, better outcomes for your health. 

RUSI Imaging Can Specifically Help Us Target Cause Of And Treatment For:

  • Prenatal and Postpartum pain and recovery management
  • Vocal pain and breathing dysfunction
  • Long COVID respiratory issues
  • Stress urinary incontinence
  • Urge urinary incontinence
  • Fecal incontinence and seepage
  • Constipation and painful bowel movements
  • Pelvic organ prolapse
  • Sexual dysfunction and painful intercourse
  • Painful ejaculation
  • Diastasis recti
  • Reduce hip arthroscopy rehab time
  • Tackle acute neck and orofacial pain, limiting breath support
  • Treat hip, pelvic, lower back, neck, jaw, and vocal issues and pain in shorter time frames
  • Retrain the core without guesswork
  • Get quicker outcomes for bladder and bowel urgency, frequency, and leakage, including bowel problems like constipation
  • Visualize and treat pelvic organ prolapse, including pessary fitting 

Contact Us Today For An Imaging Appointment

Even if you are not in the Greensboro area, you can still contact Garner Pelvic Health to schedule an appointment. People regularly travel to our clinic from outside the state and country for these services. Contact us today, and we will provide you with more information. Also visit this page for our of state/country patients.Â