COVID-19 Safety Policy

Garner Pelvic Health is open with safety measures in place. For those who cannot make it in-person, we also offer telehealth and virtual group fitness and wellness classes.

Consistent with CDC’s recommendations for universal source control,

  • GPH staff will wear a face mask at all times.
  • Patients should wear a cloth face covering that can be bought or made at home. We are unable to supply masks for every patient, so please bring your own mask.
  • We can only allow 1 person in the waiting room at a time to maintain 6’ social distancing.
  • We are scheduling less patients in a day so that patient care does not overlap.
  • We have an established plan for thorough cleaning and disinfection prior to using spaces or facilities for patients with non-COVID-19 care needs.
  • Please use hand sanitizer upon arriving for your appointment.
  • You will be screened for signs of COVID-19.

Clients will be screened prior to each visit and will not be seen should they report any of the following:

  • chills and/or fever >100.4 degrees
  • muscle or body aches
  • shortness of breath
  • sore throat unrelated to allergies
  • new loss of smell or taste 
  • vomiting or diarrhea (patients need be 48 hours free of these isolated symptoms) 
  • new cough/congestion unrelated to allergies
  • exposure to potentially infected individuals
  • recent travel outside of the state (within 14 days) 

If you have had any of the above symptoms, please be proactive in canceling/rescheduling your visit. Do not arrive for your appointment and put others at risk of illness. 

Your safety and health are paramount to us. Thank you for your support, we look forward to seeing you in the office!