Ginger Garner PT, MPT, ATC, PYT, ERYT500

Reduce Fear during Childbirth with Yoga and Physical Therapy

Ginger Garner PT, MPT, ATC, PYT, ERYT500
Yoga as Medicine for Pregnancy, Labor, & Postpartum (c)2005. Ginger Garner.

Physical therapists often see women during pregnancy and postpartum, but what can physical therapists do to foster better birth outcomes? What can physical therapists do through yoga, specifically, to reduce fear during childbirth?

A 2012 study conducted in Norway underscores the importance of childbirth education,which can take place as part of patient education and counseling in physical therapy.  The study looked at 2206 women with intended vaginal delivery in order to assess the association between fear of childbirth and duration of labor. Labor duration was found to be significantly longer in women with fear of childbirth, with the rate of epidural analgesia, induction, and instrumental vaginal delivery also being higher in fearful women.  The authors posit that  â€śanxiety and fear may increase plasma concentrations of catecholamines,and high concentrations of catecholamines have been associated with both enervated uterine contractility and a prolonged second stage of labour.” (Adams et al 2012).

Yoga + Physical Therapy = Perfect Partners to Reduce Fear During Childbirth

Yoga is a mind-body intervention that is supported to lower pain perception, anxiety, reported stress, and discomfort, all variables that can improve overall birth outcomes and reduce fear of childbirth. Integrative physical therapy practice uses a biopsychosocial model, one that uses energetic, emotional, physical, intellectual, and spiritual support methods to prepare a mother for her labor, delivery, and beyond. Mason et al (2013), in a study that compared standard diaphragmatic breathing to yogic breathing, found yogic breathing to be superior in all measured areas, including increasing/affecting:

  1. Cardiac-vagal baroreflex sensitivity
  2. Oxygen saturation
  3. Oxygen absorption
  4. Tidal volume
  5. Vagal stimulation
  6. Parasympathetic activation
  7. Overall reported physical and mental health.

Yoga is More than Flexibility or Relaxation Work

Yoga can address more than just flexibility or relaxation for laboring moms. It fosters calm awareness, mind-body concentration and focus, develops postural control and lumbopelvic health, including neural and myofascial health and motor patterning, all of which, combined with conventional physical therapy practice, can be more efficacious than exercise prescription or childbirth education alone.  

Interested in learning about how medical therapeutic yoga during your pregnancy journey can help you?

Not getting the results you had hoped after your hip arthroscopy and therapy for hip labral tear, repair, and/ or hip impingement or dysplasia? Are you also female and wondering if hormones or GI function is related to your pelvic pain?

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