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Essentials of Women’s Health Nutrition Practice (Podcast Interview) with Jessica Drummond

Women's Health Nutrition Essentials of Women’s Health Nutrition Practice in Healthcare

Ginger’s most recent interview is with Jessica Drummond, women’s health nutrition guru and founder of The Integrative Pelvic Health Institute.  The interview focuses on women’s health nutrition practice, and in it Jessica and Ginger discuss vital considerations in women’s health nutrition practice for health care and wellness professionals. Ginger lauds the importance of nutritional counseling and education as an essential part of her programs in prenatal yoga and labor, delivery, and postpartum yoga and medical therapeutic yoga, and Jessica’s specialized programs for women’s health nutrition are filling a great need in allowing health care professionals to further their studies in integrated, holistic care for women.

Highlights from the Interview:

Learn about: Mapping Out a Vision of Success; Coaching your patients and clients toward a vision meditation of their life, and using the five senses to determine what their dream looks like for a healthy life.

Jessica and Ginger both use a biopsychosocial approach to health coaching, which makes for a very organic and practical union of integrative nutrition and the yogic model of practice. In this podcast Jessica discusses:

  • Logistics of health coaching in women’s health
  • Adrenal “energy” rebuilding
  • Group seasonal counseling
  • Value of peer support
  • Listening for change readiness language in clients
  • Steps of Mindful listening in recognizing change readiness language
  • Nutritional screening tools and helpful lab screens

Abbreviated Transcript:

  1. What led to your involvement in nutrition as a part of women’s health PT practice?
  2. Why is nutrition important in women’s health PT practice?
  3. What are the top 3 areas/conditions in women’s health where nutrition is perhaps most important or may have the biggest impact on outcomes?
  4. What would a typical session look like in nutritional counseling?
  5. Are there evidence-based outcome measures for use in nutritional screening?
  6. How do you determine if a patient is ready for behavior change counseling in nutrition?
  7. What recommendations would you give to a PT wanting to incorporate nutritional counseling into their women’s health practice? Any resources that are helpful?

About the Expert

Jessica Drummond headshotJessica Drummond, MPT, CCN, CHC, the Founder and CEO of The Integrative Pelvic Health Institute, is passionate about caring for and empowering people who struggle with women’s and pelvic health conditions.  She is equally passionate about educating and supporting clinicians in confidently and safely using integrative tools to treat chronic pelvic pain, bowel and bladder, and other women’s and pelvic health issues.  Having over a decade of experience as a women’s and pelvic physical therapist plus owning a private women’s health clinical nutrition and coaching practice gives her a unique perspective on the integrative, conservative options for women’s and pelvic health management.  Jessica was educated at the University of Virginia, Emory University, The Institute of Integrative Nutrition, Duke Integrative Medicine, and is a doctoral candidate in clinical nutrition at Maryland University of Integrative Health.

Listen to the PODCAST

*Note: Please disregard the first few seconds of the recording, which includes a transition into the interview. Technology is great when it works, but in this case, the app threw a tantrum and refused to let us clip the first few seconds where the interview call gets connected. But here’s to “keeping personal connection real” in 2015!

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