Pelvic Health Physical Therapy For Gender-Affirming Physical Wellness

Pelvic Health Physical Therapy For Gender-Affirming Physical Wellness

“Pelvic Health Physical Therapy” and “Gender-Affirming” have not always been terms that were found in the same sentence. For the longest time, The special-interest group even went by another name, “Women’s Health” and it was not until 2019 that it was changed to “Pelvic Health”. It is a sad reality that even within this group…

How Societal Influences Impact our Health Across the Lifespan

How Societal Influences Impact our Health Across the Lifespan

An interview about social determinants of health with Dr. Dawn Magnusson PT, PhD Societal influences on our health deserve more attention than it gets. We hear often about the personally empowered tools of exercising, managing your stress, and meditating, but not enough about how our communities suffer because of misguided policies or socioeconomic disparities. These…