Business and Coaching

Dr. Ginger Garner, PT, DPT, ATC-Ret

Choosing Your Hard: Choosing Your Hard: How to Get Clarity on Big Decisions (+ Our Living Well Institute Announcement)Choosing Your Hard:

The one constant is change.~ Heraclitus As a woman and mother, I have been faced many times with choosing my hard…Getting clarity on big decisions is not easy, especially when you have multiple small people to consider. So how do you roll with the punches of life? How do you get peace and clarity to…

Mistakes to Avoid in PT/OT Business (Yoga and Ayurveda) – Part 3, Kapha

Mistakes to Avoid in PT/OT Business (Yoga and Ayurveda) – Part 3, Kapha

By Dr. KC Coninx PT, DPT, COMT, PYT There are plenty of blogs, websites, and coaches talking about what you should be doing to maximize your business endeavors…but few are talking about the business mistakes to avoid following a Yogic and Ayurvedic Philosophy.  We thought the world needed this, because we genuinely believe that many…

Mistakes to Avoid in PT/OT Business (Yoga and Ayurveda) – Part 2, Pitta

Mistakes to Avoid in PT/OT Business (Yoga and Ayurveda) – Part 2, Pitta

By Dr. KC Coninx PT, DPT, COMT, PYT There are plenty of blogs, websites, and coaches talking about what you should be doing to maximize your business endeavors…but few are talking about the business mistakes to avoid following a Yogic and Ayurvedic Philosophy.  We thought the world needed this, because we genuinely believe that many…

Mistakes to Avoid in PT/OT Business (Yoga and Ayurveda) – Part 1, Vata

Mistakes to Avoid in PT/OT Business (Yoga and Ayurveda) – Part 1, Vata

By Dr. KC Coninx PT, DPT, COMT, PYT There are plenty of blogs, websites, and coaches talking about what you should be doing to maximize your business endeavors…but few are talking mistakes to avoid in your PT/OT business following a Yogic and Ayurvedic Philosophy.  We thought the world needed this, because we genuinely believe that…

Integrative Care as the New Gold Standard in Physical & Occupational Therapy

Integrative Care as the New Gold Standard in Physical & Occupational Therapy

A look inside biopsychosocial care using comprehensive functional, integrative, and lifestyle medicine. By Dr. Ginger Garner PT, DPT, AT-Ret Functional, integrative and lifestyle medicine (FILM) is fast becoming the gold standard for effective care in PT and OT. Expanding your professional toolbox to include these methods is critical when addressing the growing epidemic of co-and-multimorbidity in…

Meet Living Well Institute: Rebooting to meet healthcare needs during COVID-19 & beyond

Meet Living Well Institute: Rebooting to meet healthcare needs during COVID-19 & beyond

Meet the new face of PYTI, Living Well Institute and all the new programs we have to offer. I am excited to announce our new website, new name, new look, new patient care services, and new programs! Why make the change? The process of rebuilding during COVID-19 I sat down in front of my computer, exhausted, the…

Words Matter: Why our Language as Wellness Providers Must Be Chosen Carefully

Words Matter: Why our Language as Wellness Providers Must Be Chosen Carefully

By guest author Dr. Anni Englehardt, PT, DPT There is an epidemic of words existing in the fitness and healthcare communities that although may possess good intentions, perpetuate behavior that will have lasting effects on the people upon which they land. These words encourage negative self talk and body image, sweep self-efficacy under the rug,…