Living Well

Ginger Garner, DPT singing

Singing with Your Pelvic Floor

How Pelvic Health Supports Vocal Power and Performance Have you ever considered how your pelvic floor might be influencing your voice? Singers historically have focused on breath control, posture, and vocal technique, but there is a critical role that the pelvic floor plays in vocal health. The pelvic floor is more than just a set…

Finding Your Voice Through Menopause: A Journey of Physical and Emotional Transformation

Finding Your Voice Through Menopause: A Journey of Physical and Emotional Transformation

Changes in the Voice and Pelvic Floor are Related during Menopause Menopause is an incredibly transformative phase in a woman’s life. But it doesn’t have to mark the “beginning of the end of life.” On the contrary, it can signal the beginning of an era of freedom. Menopause is also where women often end up…

Treating Trauma & The Voice in Pelvic Physical Therapy

Treating Trauma & The Voice in Pelvic Physical Therapy

Caring for individuals who have experienced trauma demands a specialized approach that transcends traditional pelvic health assessments and interventions. Treating trauma and the voice in pelvic physical therapy, though it may sound bold, should be integral and not separate topics. With approximately one-third of women encountering intimate partner violence and rape reporting rates to formal…

Debunking endometriosis myths

Preparing for Endometriosis Excision Surgery and Bowel Prep

Once you decide to have endometriosis excision, there are many preparations you must make, and bowel prep is often the hardest. This post focuses on preparing you for endometriosis excision surgery and the required bowel prep in a holistic, hormone and gut friendly way. Endometriosis Excision Surgery Prep Preparing for endometriosis excision can feel daunting,…

Dry Needling For Pelvic Floor In Greensboro, NC

Navigating Pelvic Health During Perimenopause & Beyond: Strategies for Empowerment and Well-being

Women historically navigating pelvic health during perimenopause and beyond have been told all kinds of inaccurate things like “accept your symptoms – it’s just age”, “this is what menopause is about, get used to it”, “we don’t measure hormones, we just treat symptoms.” As if waiting until the symptoms start is EVER a smart thing…

Debunking endometriosis myths

Debunking Endometriosis Myths: The Role of Integrative Pelvic Therapy

There are many myths that need debunking about endometriosis. There’s too much medical gaslighting, and even more fear mongering around endometriosis – and it has to stop. Medical gaslighting around endo and fear mongering serves no one, and further, it delays early critical care and full recovery from surgery for endometriosis. Not to mention what…