
Day 48 (Week 6+): The 1 Crutch Walk, Why I Chose Hip Arthroscopy, & What Does A Made Bed Have To Do With Progress? (Post 13)

Day 48 (Week 6+): The 1 Crutch Walk, Why I Chose Hip Arthroscopy, & What Does A Made Bed Have To Do With Progress? (Post 13)

If you haven’t been following the entire series, get it here: Post 1 – https://gingergarner.com/resurfacing-hip-labral-surgery-post-1/ Post 2 – https://gingergarner.com/hip-labrum-postsurgical-musings-post-2-2/ Post 3 – https://gingergarner.com/post-surgical-musings-days-4-5-post-3/ Post 4 – https://gingergarner.com/hip-labrum-postoperative-rehab-day-6-post-4/ Post 5 – https://gingergarner.com/hip-labrum-postop-integrated-rehab-day-7-mantras-edema/ Post 6 – https://gingergarner.com/yoga-hip-labral-rehab/ Post 7 – https://gingergarner.com/days-11-18-a-turning-point-hip-preservation-post-op/ Post 8 – https://gingergarner.com/post-op-days-19-27-hip-labrum-rehab-milestones/ Post 9 – https://gingergarner.com/5470/ Post 10 – Day 35, Week 5 –…

Live Practice! The New Warrior I & II (Hip Preservation, Not Hip Openers)

Live Practice! The New Warrior I & II (Hip Preservation, Not Hip Openers)

Hip Preservation, Not Hip Openers In my previous post “Hip Openers” in Yoga? Please, Stop the Madness., I discussed the importance of asana evolution. My book, Medical Therapeutic Yoga, is step 1 in Asana Evolution, with its dedication to preventing and treating injury, which includes injuries that arise from sketchy yoga posture practice. Using the…

Yoga for Busy Moms

Yoga for Busy Moms

The Busy Mom’s Guide to Practicing Yoga   “Yoga for Busy Moms” was originally authored and posted by Ginger Garner in 2011 as she was expecting her third child. Although written a few years ago, moms continue to face the same challenges and the truths Ginger discusses still hold true. Ginger examines the age old dilemma…

“Hip Openers” in Yoga? (Please, Let’s Stop the Madness.)

“Hip Openers” in Yoga? (Please, Let’s Stop the Madness.)

“Hip Openers” in Yoga? Please, Let’s Stop the Madness. Yoga is, inarguably, a popular contemplative science, enjoying 36.7 million practitioners in the US alone, up from 20.4 million in 2012 (Yoga in America, 2016). A 16 billion dollar industry, yoga is one of the most widely utilized methods of complementary and integrative medicine in America…

The Amazing Diaphragm: How Your Breathing Predicts Health

The Amazing Diaphragm: How Your Breathing Predicts Health

The Amazing Diaphragm: How Your Breathing Predicts Health The respiratory diaphragm measures mere millimeters in thickness, but its influence can exact multi-system effects that ultimately dictate your long-term health and well-being. Understanding the anatomy, physiology, and mechanics of deep diaphragmatic breathing, especially through yoga practice, can transform your health. The evidence-base that provides the link…