
Debunking endometriosis myths

Debunking Endometriosis Myths: The Role of Integrative Pelvic Therapy

There are many myths that need debunking about endometriosis. There’s too much medical gaslighting, and even more fear mongering around endometriosis – and it has to stop. Medical gaslighting around endo and fear mongering serves no one, and further, it delays early critical care and full recovery from surgery for endometriosis. Not to mention what…

How Societal Influences Impact our Health Across the Lifespan

How Societal Influences Impact our Health Across the Lifespan

An interview about social determinants of health with Dr. Dawn Magnusson PT, PhD Societal influences on our health deserve more attention than it gets. We hear often about the personally empowered tools of exercising, managing your stress, and meditating, but not enough about how our communities suffer because of misguided policies or socioeconomic disparities. These…

Trauma-Informed Care for LGBTQ+ Sexual Violence Survivors

Trauma-Informed Care for LGBTQ+ Sexual Violence Survivors

Trauma-informed care is crucial for treating sexual violence (SV) survivors and there are higher rates of SV in the LGBTQ+ Community. Sexual violence often leads to both pelvic floor dysfunction and PTSD. By taking a trauma-informed approach to pelvic-health physical therapy, we can address the physical manifestations of this trauma. We can also prevent re-traumatization…

Taking a “Whole Person Approach” in Physical Therapy Practice

Taking a “Whole Person Approach” in Physical Therapy Practice

An Interview with Dr. Rose Pignataro Recently we sat down with Dr. Rose Pignataro to chat about the “whole person” approach to physical therapy care. Read about Dr. Pignataro here What is a “whole person approach” to physical therapy? People often seek physical therapy care for a specific problem that can involve anything ranging from…

Why Patient Collaboration is the Key to Effective Lifestyle Medicine in Physical Therapy

Why Patient Collaboration is the Key to Effective Lifestyle Medicine in Physical Therapy

An interview with Dr. Nola Peacock PT, DSc Lifestyle Medicine in physical therapy is more than just educating people on how to have a healthier life. It’s actually about creating a partnership for collaboration, so that the patient can choose the best thing for them. As physical therapists, we often love to share our knowledge….

Evolving Physical Therapy: Let’s Ditch the “Home Exercise Program”

Evolving Physical Therapy: Let’s Ditch the “Home Exercise Program”

by Ginger Garner PT, DPT, ATC-Ret We are long overdue in the physical therapy profession to ditch the phrase “home exercise program.” Give me 3 minutes and I will explain why and how. As therapists we play a vital role in helping folks navigate vulnerable and distressing situations. We don’t often consider the obvious –…